Wocommerce product importer with product gallery images

Wocommerce product importer with product gallery

Import Option :

  • Name
  • Description
  • Post Status
  • Product Type
  • Length
  • Manage Stock
  • Price
  • Regular Price
  • Sale Price
  • Shipping Class
  • SKU,Stock
  • Stock Status
  • Tax Class
  • Tax Status
  • Visibility
  • Weight
  • Height
  • Width
  • Images (Product Gallery)
  • Feature Image
  • Tags
  • Attributes such as Color, Size etc.
  • Category
For this plugin contact at rakeshsinghuniyal@gmail.com 

Easy and quick way to import products.

Rakesh Singh Uniyal

I’m Rakesh Singh Uniyal (MCA) and I write to help people work on programming and technology. The tips, tutorials and information provided in this blog has helped many people to solve their programming and web development related issues.
I work as a Freelance PHP/Magento/Wordpress Developer.

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